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The PATH command is used to provide access to files located in other directories or on other disks. The PATH command is usually entered as a line in an AUTOEXEC.BAT (or batch) file, which most often contains one or more DOS commands. The AUTOEXEC.BAT file is automatically executed upon system turn-on to run one or more desired programs without the need for user intervention. Other batch  files are executed upon command. When an AUTOEXEC.CAT file is used, each command contained in the file executes as it is encountered. The creation and use of batch files is described in Section 8. To illustrate the PATH command, assume you have a program named GATOR.COM that is located in a sub directory. You are not sure if it is cn disk C or disk A, so you want to search both disks and execute the command when found. To complicate matters, you are not sure if the program is in the SWAMP sub directory or the MUD sub directory. Here is where the PATH command comes to your rescue. To set up a search...

Making, Changing, and Removing Directories

You used the DIR (directory) command in Section 3 to display a list of filenames on the screen. You can create and name multiple disk directories on a disk to allow for the subdivision of your files. This feature lets you group common files into separate directories. This is similar to subdividing information into file cabinet drawers and file folders. This is particularly convenient when you use a fixed disk containing hundreds or even thousands of files. Instead of listing all files in one directory, you can list files in smaller, more manageable sub directories. Lock at the following directory commands. Command                                      Purpose                   MKDIR or MD                                Make a new directory        ...

Filenames (2)

Wild Cards and Literals: Now that you understand filename rules, you should understand the use of two convenient tools: wild cards and literals. Wild Cards: In the card game poker, a wild card may be any card that a player chooses. Forexample, if deuces are "wild," a player can make three kings by using two kings and a deuce. In DOS, an asterisk (*) character is "wild." The asterisk stands for one or more characters in a filename or extention, beginning with the asterisk position. If only an asterisk is used, it represents the entire filename. A few examples are in order. If you wish to list a directory of all files having the extension COM, you can type the command DIR *.COM and press Enter. Every filename with the extension COM is listed. If you want to list a directory of every file beginning with the letter W, you can use the command DIR W *.*. Every filename beginning with W and having any extension is listed. Therefore, the wild card lets you select a set ...


It is important to understand DOS file naming conventions and their use. Here, filenames and some special filename "tools" called wild cards and literals are described. What is a File name?   Every program and data file is given a name to differentiate it from other programs and data files. A program is one or more computer instructions collected into a file. A data file is normally a collection of characters (or data) that make up a document, like a letter, or a database, like a collection of accounting transactions or customer records. Descriptive filenames are normally used. For example, if you create and save a letter to Mom, you might give it the filename MOM.LTR. A letter to Dad could be called DAD.LTR. A word processing program file might have the filename WP.COM. Examine these filenames a little closer. First, notice that each filename is meaningful. This is important if you want to know what is in a file by looking at its name. Obscure filenames are of little u...

Section 4 Introduction

Introduction Section 3 introduced you to the Dir command. You used it to display a list of filenames. This section provides more information about filenames and disk directories, sometimes called file paths. Filenames are given to text, data, and program files that reside on a disk. Directory (or path) names are also given to disk directories, which are convenient subdivisions in which categories or families of files may te collected and maintained. Several commands are available to create, list, or delete filenames and directory names. These include: MKDIR (or MD)            Make (or create a new sub directory. CHDIR (or CD)            Change to (or log) a named directory. RMDIR (or RD)            Remove a named directory. PATH                            Provide automatic access to program and batch files located within one or m...


DIR, MEM, CHKDSK ACTIVITY In this activity you experience the use of the DIR, MEM, and CHKDSK commands. Begin at the C> (or A>) DOS prompt.    1. Type DIR/P and press Enter to display a list of filenames. Recall that the /P parameter pauses long lists of filenames to prevent them from scrolling out of view.   2. Type CHKDSK and press Enter to display free disk space and system memory information.   3. If you have DOS 4.01 or later, type MEM and press Enter to display your computer's memory configuration