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The MEM command was introduced in DOS version 4.01 and memory information. The MEM command is entered alone or with a modified slightly in MS-DOS 5.00. MEM is used to display system
memory information.
The MEM command is entered alone or with a parameter.
MEM-Displays to all system memory values, including expanded and extended memory values.

MEM PROGRAM--Displays programs presently loaded in memory with used and unused memory. You may use /P if you are using DOS 5.00

MEM/DEBUG--Dispiays a list of programs, device drivers, install drivers, and used unused memory. You may use / if you are using DOS 5.00.

MEM CLASSIFY (or MEM /C)-Displays programs and cor-responding memory usage. The largest available memory block is also displayed. You may use /C if you are using DOS 5.00.

Typing MEM and pressing Enter displays information similar to the
following (typical of DOS 5.00):

           655350 bytes total conventional memory
           655360 bytes available to MS-DOS
           604016 largest executable. program size

    35389:4 bytes total contiguous extended decay
            0 bytes availbale contiguous extended memory
    2424832 bytes available XMS memory
                   MS-DOS resident in High Memory Area


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