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DIR (2)

DOS Version 5.00:

DOS 5.00 introduced a number of new DIR parameters which are summarized in the following list. In addition to the new parameters, DOS 5.00 also displays the number of bytes contained in the files in the listed directory. Prior DOS versions only displayed the number of files in the listed directory.

DIR/A:attribute- Displays files having certain file attributes, where attribute is one of the following:

h     hidden files
-h    nonhidden files
s      system files
-s     nonsystem files
d     directory names
-d    files only (no directory names)
a     files that need archiving (backup)
-a    files that have been archived
r     read-only files
-r    files that are not read-only

DIR /A:r-h- Displays read-only files that are not hidden.

DIR /B-Displays a bare filename listing without size, date, and time information.

DIR /L-Displays file information in lowercase.

DIR /O: sort order - Specifies sort order by name, extension, date, or
file size, where sort order is:

 n                 alphabetical by name (default value if no sort order
                    is specified).

-n                descending alphabetical order by name
                   alphabetical by extension.

 e                alphabetical by extension.

-e                descending alphabetical order by extension.
 d                date and time order (earliest first).

-d               date and time order (most recent first)

 s               file size (smallest first).

-s               file size (largest first).

 g              directories grouped before files (default).

-g              directories grouped after files.

DIR: /0 :-d/p-Sorts the directory with the most recently saved tless

listed first. The ip pauses the directory display.

DIR /0:e-s-Displays files by extension and then by file size.
DIR S-Displays all files in all sub directories.

The SET DIRCMD Command: if you are using DOS 5.00, you can
place the following lire in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file or enter it
directly from the DOS prompt to preset DIR command parameters. For
example, the command fine SET DIRCMD lo:-gn/p results in paused
directories that are sorted by filename with directory names grouped
at the end of the listing.

Pausing and Restarting a Directory Display: In addition to the /P parameter with DIR command, there are two other ways to pause the directory display. First you can press Ctrl-S or the Pause key, which stops the directory display in its tracks. Press any key to resume the display. If you are using DOS version 2.00 or later, you can pause the dsiplay with MORE filter. This is done by typing DIR|MORE. Pausing the display is often necessary when the directory listing exceeds the number otlines on your screen.


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